Saturday 3 May 2014


I am one of those people who wish to see a perfect world. I have read articles that tell me to stop wishing for it, accept the world as it is and then only I could be happy. But people tell things anyway, and they will keep telling them always anyway.

Trust is getting lost. I want to bring it back. My version of the perfect world has it. It has people who are innocent and trust each other. They don't lie, they never do. They understand each other because they listen not just to reply but to understand and reach conclusions.

I want to live in a world where I won't have to worry about getting cheated. And as I always believe, if people start thinking about the good of all other people not just themselves, then it wouldn't be just one person thinking about himself but all others would be there. And when none of them would think bad about anyone, there is no way things will be bad for anyone.

But it's like a deadlock. I know that people don't trust each other. They fake it, they have bad feelings inside their heart. They show off! People never let their wrongs be displayed, just because they don't want to be lonely. They want others, they want to attract people. But the base of any relationship must be pure and built on truth. Lies always break relationships. Everybody has something bad in them and people with whom we live with eventually finds that. It's mutual. But if we do believe in each other, if we can just tell the other person that we are there for him, and we will never leave no matter what, if only we can accept people, knowing they are bad, just because they told us the truth, I believe better relationships may be built. I am in search for an answer. The answer that tells me how to break this deadlock. How to make people start trusting each other. Yeah, I do know that you believe it's unrealistic, but then reality isn't blissful anyway...

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