Friday 8 February 2019

Blissful Awakening

Where am I?...I wake up after a long time. I don't know this place but it seems familiar for some reason. I see no one around me but lots of huge trees, leaves, rough pathways, animals and birds that don't seem to be scared of me. They look curious though, feels like they have not seen someone like me before. A cool breeze is blowing due to which trees sway, they don't seem to have complaints of any kind. I can hear the sound of a river flowing nearby. The sound is so full of tranquil. After a long time, I am feeling light, like I have never been tired, sad and lost my entire life. Is this bliss? Am I alive? I must be because I have never felt so alive in a while. I realize that I have a smile on my face.

Strangely, there is no fear in me. I get up and I look around, I am in a pursuit of something. There.., it seems so familiar. I have seen something like this before. Even if I had a language that I could speak, I wouldn't be able to explain the beauty that I find in its eyes and that serene smile. But there is no language that we know of, no words that we know to speak. Still, somehow, we are talking. There is no noise though that we can make. I ask her the place where I am and what all this is. And now I know, with a blink of her eyes. It tells me, this is my blissful awakening.

Monday 4 February 2019


We have always been talking about the good and the bad. The state of mind, the happiness that we look for and the contingencies that we try to avoid. The stability and satisfaction are what we have been thriving for, for a long time now. Of course, we are in pursuit of contentment. It has been continuing for long and yet we fail to define what it is that we are looking for. What am I looking for?