Friday 12 May 2017

Word of Moment

I am moving, leaving behind all the sweet memories. Those sweet memories make me sad as I realize that I can never live the same moments again. It leaves me in a state where I am smiling and feeling pain at the same time. The pain is unbearable. The memories are blurry and it's becoming hard to understand whether I had a better life then or I have a better life now. I feel old and I realize I have lost a lot of things being unaware of their worth. I continue to loose them even today. The precious present moment slips from my palm as I listen to the concerns and plans of people in another dimension. The answer to secret questions somehow do not convince me. All the noise that I listen makes me wonder if there is a purpose already explained in an answer or a different purpose. Is really the only sane reason of human existence, love?

Trying to explain a reason, I write these words,
being within the limits - the words, my feelings remain unexplained.