Saturday 22 June 2019

Irrational Wisdom

When we are little, we learn how to learn things. We start learning once we understand how things are logically connected. Of course, for that, we do need to first understand how logic works. Many of us do get to spend a lot of time alone, just thinking about things, logically connecting them in some way or the other, experiment and then verify. We can then finally draw conclusions about something being right or wrong just by being rational, with logic. The best part is, it's not even an absolute thing. We could have our own logic to draw different conclusions for the same data. I also did the same, when I finally thought I could understand things, I became a rational person and created own set of rules for myself.

It continued for a long time, I knew when people were fighting, there was a crowd around, there was no logic in watching them fight. It was wrong to talk about someone and insult them behind their backs and even in front of them. It was just wrong to joke on someone. Over the years, the logic changed when I realized the motive for the things that we create in this world. The purpose was just to make living easier, better and blissful. But our own logic started making us feel unhappy.

I grew even more curious, watched people for a long time. I learned from them about different perspectives. I got another purpose - to become wiser. But how could I become wise? There had to be logic that would help me gain wisdom. Of course, for that, I had to know what wisdom meant first.

So I started chasing cars around my head. Was it really worth being rational and yet being unhappy? No, it was not. The realization that the most important things in life are not based on logic is what convinced me. So what do we choose then? Love vs logic? Of course, love. Forgiveness vs anger? Forgiveness. Empathy vs Doubt? Empathy. Reason vs Intuition? Well, Intuition. And yet, all of it was based on logic.

Every action that I took, I thought before, I asked myself the same question every time - "What would be a wise thing to do now?". I still continue to do that.

But I couldn't reason this with anyone else. It is not something to reason about. Becoming wise is the only purpose, the only thing that can satisfy us. There would be an ideal state, the ideal way of doing things, the things that are done by everyone else, things that are popular, recommended ones, but my intuition might make me feel to do something very irrational, illogical. I might still just do it my way.

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