Monday 15 January 2024


 When I look outside myself, there is so much happening. The chaos doesn't stop. There is fear and panic and an effort to stop the panic that creates even more panic. It's tough to find peace when everyone around you is absolutely not at peace. The constant fears forcing everyone to reach the judgements a little too soon. Such judgements that don't bring a promise of a better future. What's the point of reaching judgments at all then? Why do we forget that the only moment that's in our control, if there is any at all, is this, now. We will keep on sacrificing several nows being scared of the future and it will turn out to be totally different than what we could imagine. At least for the most of us. Wherever we are today, if we can't appreciate the goodness in the state of things that we have right now, maybe the future won't be so good after all. It is, perhaps, rightly said that the contentment can only be achieved from within, and if we have learnt to be truly content, the state of things around us can't affect it at all.

But maybe that is what the fight is all about nowadays. Meditation, yoga and mindfulness. That is probably what is helping people look inside and think about the world they have inside themselves. A few minutes away from the chaos.

Some say that if the bad didn't exist, people wouldn't appreciate the good. I wish that wasn't true. I wish people didn't wait for the bad to happen. I wish people had enough conscience to recognise the good as it is, in its absolute form.

Sometimes I imagine myself going to a different world. If that world is full of people who stay in harmony, then it's where people smile when they meet strangers, where they all love each other and most importantly, we know that the true love is when we let them be. Where everyone knows that irrespective of what happens, it is all going to be okay.