Tuesday 8 August 2017

No Contingency

All his life
He was rife
with all the smallest doubt

the way he lived
for things, he limned-
all was trivial throughout

and at his fall
when the end did call
He knew it all was prime

(yet) it couldn’t have been
another way be seen
For life is not beyond time.

Friday 12 May 2017

Word of Moment

I am moving, leaving behind all the sweet memories. Those sweet memories make me sad as I realize that I can never live the same moments again. It leaves me in a state where I am smiling and feeling pain at the same time. The pain is unbearable. The memories are blurry and it's becoming hard to understand whether I had a better life then or I have a better life now. I feel old and I realize I have lost a lot of things being unaware of their worth. I continue to loose them even today. The precious present moment slips from my palm as I listen to the concerns and plans of people in another dimension. The answer to secret questions somehow do not convince me. All the noise that I listen makes me wonder if there is a purpose already explained in an answer or a different purpose. Is really the only sane reason of human existence, love?

Trying to explain a reason, I write these words,
being within the limits - the words, my feelings remain unexplained.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

No End.

When I was little, I used to eagerly wait for those days and times when something good would happen. I believed we would do a lot of hard work, save money and one day would be able to buy a Scooter. Days and months and years passed and my wish grew stronger. Then suddenly one day, my father called me and showed me a Scooter at home. It took me some time to accept that it was ours.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Chasing Cars

We'll do it all
On our own

We don't need
Or anyone

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Monday 20 February 2017


When I was in 11th and 12th standard in School, I spent most of my time in observing people. Of course there were opinions from everywhere that proved that I was doing something wrong, in the minds from where they originated. I couldn't care more about it than anything else. It was not voluntary. My teachers had in mind what has to happen with us, with every student in the class, with a target to achieve, and a purpose lost. And I wasn't ready for that, I always wanted to do something different. But I didn't know then, what I know now, and it's all about that lost purpose.